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New Poll Shows Evers With Massive Lead PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Friday, 12 January 2018 15:34

tony_eversMADISON – The first publicly-released survey of the Democratic primary for Governor of Wisconsin shows State Superintendent Tony Evers with a massive 18-point lead over the rest of the primary field.

Democratic Primary Vote

Tony Evers


Kathleen Vinehout


Paul Soglin


Matt Flynn


Mahlon Mitchell


Mike McCabe


Dana Wachs


Andy Gronik


Kelda Roys




In a 9-person field of candidates, Evers garners 29% of the vote, while only two other candidates, Kathleen Vinehout (11%) and Paul Soglin (10%) attract double-digit support. Evers leads by double-digits in every major media market, including a 12-point lead over Paul Soglin in the Madison market. In addition to winning 34% of the vote in Madison, Evers is supported by 25% of primary voters in the Milwaukee market (leading Flynn by 19 points and Gronik by 22 points), 32% in the Wausau/Eau Claire/La Crosse markets (leading Vinehout by 17 and Wachs by 26 points), and 33% in the Green Bay market.


After voters are read a short description of all 9 candidates, Evers’ lead increases from 18 to 21 points.


Months of negative attacks by Walker have done little to dent Evers’ image.  His strength is reflected in his overwhelmingly favorable image among primary voters, among whom 60% view him favorably and only 9% view him unfavorably.  Other candidates tested were far less known and far less liked than Evers.

“This poll confirms what we’ve been hearing around the state – Democratic primary voters know that Tony Evers’ record of standing up to Scott Walker to defend our public schools, fighting against Walker’s $4,000,000,000 Foxconn deal and his proven ability to win statewide elections make him the best choice to fix the state after 8 years of Walker mismanagement,” said campaign manager Nathan Henry.

Candidate Most Likely To Beat   Scott Walker

Tony Evers


Paul Soglin


Kathleen Vinehout


Matt Flynn


Mike McCabe


Mahlon Mitchell


Andy Gronik


Kelda Roys


Dana Wachs





Evers is easily seen as the candidate most likely to beat Scott Walker in November.  When voters were asked, “Regardless of who you might vote for, working from the same list of choices, which candidate do you think has the best chance of beating Scott Walker in November,” 35% chose Evers – 25 points higher than Soglin (10%), with no other candidate exceeding single digits.


“In order to beat Scott Walker in November, Democrats must field the strongest candidate possible,” Henry said.  “By a significant margin, Democratic primary voters believe Tony and his record of achievement for Wisconsin make him the candidate with the best chance of defeating Walker.”


The survey of 747 likely Democratic primary voters was conducted by Public Policy Polling from January 8-10, 2018.  The survey was called using IVR technology.  The margin of error is +/- 3.6%.  Full details of the poll can be found on the poll memo accompanying this release.

Flynn: Scott Walker Wastes Wisconsin Tax Dollars in Giveaways to Corporations PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Thursday, 11 January 2018 14:42

matt-flynnMatt Flynn outlines a better approach to private-sector investments.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn attacked Governor Scott Walker Wednesday for his giveaways to corporations at taxpayer expense.

"When he first ran in 2010, Walker promised to create 250,000 jobs in his first term. It's nearly two terms later and we are still waiting," said Flynn. "What he did instead was spend our tax dollars on corporate giveaways under the pretense of creating jobs. He cut taxes for the very rich, made non-transparent investments with our tax dollars, provided billions in subsidies to foreign and out-of-state corporations with no job requirements, and created the corrupt Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, which is essentially a slush fund for his donors."

"When we look at the results, we find a terrible return on investment for the taxpayers," Flynn continued. "Taxpayers are spending at least $231,000 for each new job at Foxconn, and perhaps as much as $1.3 million per job. The rosiest forecast is it will take more than 25 years for the state to break even on the deal. I don't believe we will ever break even on this deal."

Flynn also noted how Walker sides with the demands of big business over workers, the environment, and public health concerns. He has driven down wages for the many while enriching the few.

"Walker only represents his donors and out-of-state corporations," said Flynn. "His job for them is to vacuum cash out of our public assets and into their pockets."

Flynn outlined his own standards for working with the private sector:

  • Our goal should be increasing personal income for every Wisconsinite.
  • State investment opportunities should be ranked by their potential impact on increasing income and good jobs.
  • State investments should be transparent, measurable, and in line with our economic strategies, as should the cost-benefit analyses of our investments.
  • Wisconsin's government should not arbitrarily pick winners and losers but rather invest according to strategic priorities. The state should not selectively exempt some corporations from our laws.

"Leading growth states have demonstrated that it is better to support public assets such as education, infrastructure, and clean water than to give money to wealthy individuals and corporations with the hope it will trickle down," said Flynn. "Most Wisconsinites understand this. It's time to elect a governor who understands it, too."


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He attended law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

For additional information, visit www.ForwardWithFlynn.com.

Andy Gronik Campaign Launches Microsite "Wisconsin is in Jeopardy" PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 11 January 2018 14:27

andy-gronikSite offers quiz to help you learn about Scott Walker's failed record as Governor.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Andy Gronik released a brand new microsite www.wisconsinisinjeopardy.com Wednesday exposing Gov. Scott Walker's seven years of failure, incompetence, and corruption as Wisconsin's top executive.

"Gov. Scott Walker knows I’m the Democrat who will beat him in November, that's why he and the Wisconsin Republican Party attacked me before I became a candidate; attacked me statewide immediately upon declaring myself a candidate; and continues to attack me today with ridiculous accusations.  If Gov. Walker thinks spreading falsehoods about my friends and me will distract from his long list of failures he should think again." said gubernatorial candidate Andy Gronik. "I'll put my 35 years of business success helping struggling companies worldwide grow and create good-paying, family-sustaining jobs up against Gov. Walker's two and a half decade long political career of saying one thing and doing another."

You can view the website here.

"Gov. Walker’s policies have failed, and the people of Wisconsin have had to live with the consequences. Seven years after Walker took office our economy is stagnant - so stagnant Walker’s willing to give billions to a foreign corporation to create the appearance of competency.  Seven years after taking office our public schools have been starved of resources and our teachers humiliated - so starved and so humiliated that Walker’s now willing to try to buy his way back into public favor.  His us or them politics and willingness to sell off pieces of our state to his highest political contributors have put Wisconsin in jeopardy.  We simply cannot afford another four years of Walker as Governor. My plans create good jobs in science, technology, manufacturing, and agriculture and spur more new business starts and more small, medium and large business growth by rewarding success. My plans leverage the best ideas no matter where they come from and make life in our state better for everyone. Change is necessary and good.  I’m the change candidate who will make good things happen for all of the people of Wisconsin," concluded Gronik.

Andy Gronik Launches Microsite: WisconsinIsInJeopardy.com

Last Updated on Friday, 12 January 2018 14:40
Conservationists Endorse Patty Schachtner for SD10 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 10:20

patty-schachtner-farmPatty is the “real deal”, a hunter, an outdoor enthusiast, and has lived her entire life in western Wisconsin, observing the conservation tradition to protect our beautiful state for our kids and grandkids.

MADISON – Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters proudly endorses Patty Schachtner for Wisconsin’s Senate District 10.

The upcoming special election on Jan. 16 in SD10 provides voters one of the first major opportunities to send a message to the anti-conservation elements in Madison and Washington D.C. by electing Patty Schachtner.

Patty Schachtner is a conservationist through and through. She is a hunter, an outdoor enthusiast, and has lived her entire life in western Wisconsin, observing a simple conservation tradition: Protect our beautiful state for our kids and grandkids (of which she has nine). A community leader from St. Croix, Patty is the “real deal” for Wisconsin.

Her opponent, Adam Jarchow, has been on the Conservation Dishonor Roll twice, and has said he sees that anti-conservation title “as a badge of honor.” During the 2015-16 Legislative Session, Jarchow authored the Polluter Grab Bag, an extreme proposal that gave away public land in lakebeds for free to developers. In 2017, he voted against the common-sense Leading on Lead Bill (SB48/AB78), which gives communities more tools to replace toxic lead pipes.

“We need leaders who bring common sense solutions to the problems we face. I do that every day in my work in the community and will bring the same approach to the legislature,” Schachtner says.

Communities in the 10th District have a proud history of environmental stewardship and should have a representative like Patty Schachtner who matches those values.

# # #

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

You can follow legislation impacting natural resources on our Conservation Vote Tracker, a real-time accountability tool that provides you with a complete picture of what conservation issues are in play and how legislators are performing: http://conservationvoters.org/vote-tracker/

Tim Burns files nomination papers for Wisconsin Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Burns for Wisconsin, Amanda Brink   
Thursday, 04 January 2018 13:20

tim-burnsIs running for the seat now held by Justice Michael Gableman, who has announced his retirement. Primary to be held February 20th, 2018 and will narrow the field to 2 in April.

MADISON, WI - Progressive candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Tim Burns filed his nomination papers for office yesterday to place his name on the spring ballot. Burns is running for the seat now held by Justice Michael Gableman, who has announced his retirement from the court. There are three candidates for the seat - Tim Burns, Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock. The primary will be held on February 20th, 2018 and will narrow the field to 2 candidates who will advance to the April 3rd general election.

The following is a statement from Tim Burns:

“I’m running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court because in the span of my adulthood, any equal opportunities for the children of people who struggle has disappeared in our country. It has been replaced by a system where most income and wealth goes to the top 1% and everyone else works longer and harder for less and less.

The inequity is astounding, and our rubber stamp Wisconsin Supreme Court is part of the problem. The courts are the final authority in this country, and ours has been looking out for corporations and special interests while leaving the rest of us, and our rights, behind.

I'm the progressive candidate in this race. I believe that women should be able to make their own healthcare decisions. I believe in the right to vote. I believe in strong workers movements and I believe that working people have been working longer and harder for less and less. I'm not going to apologize for those beliefs, and I'll be talking about them as I travel Wisconsin these next three months to meet with supporters.”


Tim Burns is a partner at a law firm in Madison, WI. He is a former co-chair of the Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association. A graduate of University of Missouri-Columbia Law School, Tim is licensed in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri. Tim's national practice focuses on making insurance companies live up to their obligations to their policyholders. Tim also serves on the national board of the American Constitution Society and he chaired the Fair and Impartial Courts Committee of the Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association. Tim and his wife Pam, have chosen Middleton to raise their family. Married for over 20 years, they have three children.

Principle Over Party Campaign Pounds the Pavement PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Friday, 29 December 2017 16:23

map1217Candidate for Governor Mike McCabe travels more than 37,000 miles since September to meet and listen to the people at kitchen tables and in living rooms all across the state.

DECEMBER 29, 2017 - As 2017 draws to a close, Mike McCabe’s Principle Over Party campaign for governor has traveled more than 37,000 miles just since McCabe made his candidacy official on September 12, criss-crossing Wisconsin listening to and engaging with voters in every part of the state.

There have been 82 events that have been open to the public and media, as well as 49 other stops along the way. The campaign also has held 57 neighborhood organizing meetings and volunteer trainings in communities across the state. A corps of 117 volunteers has already been assembled to help make all these grassroots activities happen, with county and zip code captains being lined up in every part of Wisconsin.

The Principle Over Party campaign is breaking the mold when it comes to endorsements, challenging the established thinking that they need to come from prominent officials, party insiders and other “VIPs.” Endorsements are instead being sought from regular people who can offer theirs on the campaign’s website at governorbluejeans.com/endorse. Mike’s candidacy has received close to 400 endorsements so far.

mike-mccabe“Our campaign is headquartered at kitchen tables and in living rooms all across the state,” McCabe said. “I am determined to do everything in my power to offer a way out of the dismal conditions of modern-day politics. The rulebook being followed by virtually every other candidate running for office is one of the biggest reasons why people hate politics more and more and trust elected officials and our government less and less. Giving people a chance to choose a very different kind of leadership and creating a new politics starts with throwing that rulebook out the window.”

McCabe added: “Heaven knows too many people feel doomed every election to choose between what they regard as the lesser of evils. There’s no way I’m settling for being the lesser of evils.”

Despite being allowed under state law to accept donations as large as $20,000 from individuals and $86,000 from political action committees, McCabe’s Principle Over Party campaign is not taking any single donation over $200. Supporters are allowed to give more than once, but no more than a total of $1,000 for the entire campaign.

“This campaign is a 21st Century version of how Bill Proxmire won statewide elections for 30 years in Wisconsin. We’re pounding the pavement just like he did and reaching out neighbor to neighbor. And we’re also taking full advantage of social media and other online tools Prox didn’t have at his disposal when he was running,” McCabe said.

Pocan Endorses Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Burns for Wisconsin, Amanda Brink   
Thursday, 14 December 2017 10:29

tim-burnsCongressman Mark Pocan says Burns will ensure our courts work for all Wisconsinites, regardless of race or income level and he will not just be another rubber stamp for Scott Walker’s agenda.

MADISON - Congressman Mark Pocan has endorsed Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Burns is running for the seat now held by Justice Michael Gableman, who has announced his retirement from the court. There are currently three announced candidates for the seat - Tim Burns, Rebecca Dallet and Michael Screnock. The primary will be held on February 20th, 2018 and will narrow the field to 2 candidates who will advance to the April 3rd general election.

The following is a statement from Congressman Pocan:

mark-pocan“2018 is our year. Democrats are energized and are working hard to lead the resistance and take back Wisconsin. That especially includes taking back our state’s highest court by electing a progressive to the bench this April.

“That is why today, I’m proud to announce my endorsement of Tim Burns for Wisconsin’s next Supreme Court Justice.

“Our courts help shape our economy and political system, and Wisconsin needs a Supreme Court Justice who will bring change to our state’s highest court. As a Justice, Tim Burns will be a champion of progressive values. He will fight to ensure our courts work for all Wisconsinites, regardless of race or income level and he will not just be another rubber stamp for Scott Walker’s agenda.

“Today, I’m asking Wisconsinites from Kenosha to Ashland, to join me in supporting Tim.”


Tim Burns is a partner at a law firm in Madison, WI. He is a former co-chair of the Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association. A graduate of University of Missouri-Columbia Law School, Tim is licensed in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri. Tim's national practice focuses on making insurance companies live up to their obligations to their policyholders. Tim also serves on the national board of the American Constitution Society and he chaired the Fair and Impartial Courts Committee of the Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association. Tim and his wife Pam, have chosen Middleton to raise their family. Married for over 20 years, they have three children.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 December 2017 10:38
American Values Won Tuesday Night PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Wednesday, 13 December 2017 10:16

Doug JonesDPW Chair Martha Laning talks on the Democratic victory in Alabama.

MADISON -- After tonight's election of underdog Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race, where Gov. Scott Walker, Speaker Paul Ryan, Attorney General Brad Schimel and Senator Ron Johnson refused to denounce or stop the national party they lead from attempting to prop up Roy Moore, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning released this statement:

martha-laning"American values won tonight. It was a victory of the people, unity triumphing over division. Alabama took a a stand and demonstrated to our country what really makes America great -- our unity and our principles.

"I hope Gov. Scott Walker, Speaker Paul Ryan and all the Wisconsin Republicans who silently permitted their national party's propping up of hatred, bigotry and sexism are paying attention tonight. The people of Alabama did not accept hatred and division - and neither do the people of Wisconsin."

Roy Moore Falls Short, But Kevin Nicholson Is Tuesday's Biggest Loser PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 13 December 2017 10:05

kevin-nicholsonNicholson refused to return money from Roy Moore's top super PAC donor.

MADISON -- Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race, issued the following statement on the United States Senate special election in Alabama:

roy-moore"Tonight, Wisconsinites should be reminded of Kevin Nicholson's Roy Moore ties: Nicholson refused to return money from Roy Moore's top super PAC donor Dick Uihlein; he bragged about his support from Moore's 'master strategist' Steve Bannon; and he failed to denounce his national party's support for Roy Moore. 

"A lot of Republicans lost tonight, but perhaps no one so badly as Kevin Nicholson, who got to keep a $5,400 check from his and Roy Moore's top out-of-state puppet master, Dick Uihlein, but had to betray our Wisconsin values in the process.

"Kevin Nicholson still has a chance to disavow his and Moore's top out-of-state special interest backers, and we'd encourage him to once and for all cut ties with Bannon and Uihlein."

League Speaks To Lawmakers, Commissioners On Election Policies PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   
Tuesday, 12 December 2017 20:45

voter-us-electionsLeague of Women Voters of Wisconsin advises State on several critical matters, attends a naturalization ceremony, sees LWV-Milwaukee County volunteers in action, and plans convention.

MADISON - The Wisconsin Elections Commission is meeting today to consider several critical matters, including ballot design, agency staffing and a UW-Madison study on the impact of the photo ID requirement. In closed session the commissioners will discuss litigation and personnel matters. Here is the League’s statement, which will be delivered by Erin Grunze in the public comment period. You can watch the WEC open session meeting live on Wisconsin Eye beginning at 10AM.

The League submitted a statement yesterday to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections about a bill that seeks to address some problems with the current absentee ballot process. While we appreciate the intent of this legislation, our statement outlines serious problems including the fact that it creates a two-tier system in which all absentee ballots are not treated equally.

Last week two members of our state staff had the opportunity to attend a naturalization ceremony and see LWV-Milwaukee County volunteers in action as they helped new citizens register to vote in Wisconsin. Read about about this inspiring experience in a narrative written by Andrea Kaminski.

Finally, just a reminder that the 2018 LWV National Convention will take place at the Hilton Chicago, June 28-July 1, 2018. This is a great opportunity for Wisconsin Leagues to be well represented at our National Convention. Click here to see the schedule-at-a-glance, make your room reservation and follow updates on the program and speakers.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 21:16
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