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Post-Election Day Statement From Tom Palzewicz PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Thursday, 05 November 2020 09:02

tom-palzewicz-baldwin-harrisFitzgerald won U.S. House District 5, Palzewicz thanks his supporters.

Brookfield, WI - Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald called Tom Palzewicz this morning and thanked him for keeping the race “above board,” after Palzewicz called Fitzgerald to concede the seat for Wisconsin’s Fifth Congressional District. Fitzgerald won U.S. House District 5 with 60% of the vote, totaling 265,417 votes. In 2018, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner received 225,619 votes, with 62% of the total vote for this seat.

“I respect my opponent for running and his military background. I know this will ensure he embodies servant leadership in Congress. We led our campaign with facts and integrity, and I am proud of what we accomplished. I hope he will lead with the idea of progress over partisanship in Washington. Thank you to all of our supporters and congratulations to Representative Robyn Vining and Representative Sara Rodriguez, who worked tirelessly for their seats. I look forward to watching them lead in the State Assembly,” stated Palzewicz.

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