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Sen. Tammy Baldwin Comments on Last Night's Debate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 23 October 2020 10:12

donald-trumpWISCONSIN - In response to last night's presidential debate, Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin released the following statement:

tammy_baldwin“Last night confirmed what we already knew: Donald Trump has no plan to address the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging every corner of our state right now due to his failed leadership. On the debate stage, he said we’re “learning to live with” coronavirus, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Wisconsinites are suffering more than ever as the economy continues to lag and face the brutal reality that Trump is trying to take protections away from the 2.4 million people in the Badger state who have pre-existing conditions, which he admitted to trying to “terminate” through his attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Last night proved that the only way we will get through this crisis and build our country back better is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 October 2020 10:18
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