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Joe Biden Endorses Tom Palzewicz For Congress PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Palzewicz for Wisconsin, Chelsea Cross   
Friday, 09 October 2020 08:05

joe-biden-winTom will reach across the aisle to serve working families, not special interests and fight to help us build back better, says Biden.

Brookfield, WI - The Tom Palzewicz for Congress campaign is pleased to announce an endorsement from Vice President Joe Biden.

“A Navy Veteran, small-business owner, and lifelong Wisconsinite, Tom Palzewicz is the right leader for Wisconsin’s families. Tom will reach across the aisle to serve working families, not special interests. And, he’ll fight to help us build back better. I’m proud to support Tom Palzewicz for Congress,” said Vice President Biden.

tom-palzewiczPalzewicz stated, “In the midst of a global health crisis, our country dealt with ineffective leadership at the highest level. Wisconsin lost $25 million due to our legislators’ arrogance and refusal to hold sessions on Wisconsin’s COVID-19 response. And our Republican leaders and Conservative Supreme Court urged us to risk our lives to vote and leave our homes during this pandemic. Unlike my opponent, Scott Fitzgerald, Joe Biden will do his job and work for all of us, not just those who voted for him. I am honored to have his support.”

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