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Eric Trump Visit to Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 09 October 2020 07:55

trump-pusa-play-it-downWISCONSIN -- In response to Eric Trump's upcoming visit to Wisconsin, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

“It’s more clear than ever that regardless of what Trump and his campaign do, Wisconsinites know the president has completely failed to address the COVID-19 pandemic and keep families safe. What’s more is in the midst of this pandemic, which continues to fuel a soaring infection rate and hospitals on the brink of bed shortages, Trump is still trying to dismantle the health care system and strip protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Trump and his cronies have repeatedly put themselves first and Wisconsinites last, and Badger State voters are going to remember that on November 3rd when they send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House."

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