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Stuck Denounces Rep. Gallagher’s COVID Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Friday, 02 October 2020 10:28

amandastuckGallagher hosted the Republican State Convention in July shaking hands and hugging like we aren’t in a global pandemic. Recently he attended a Catholics for Trump event exhibiting the same reckless behavior.

Appleton - State Rep. and Congressional candidate Amanda Stuck challenges her opponent, Rep. Mike Gallagher, to recognize the gravity of the COVID situation in Northeast Wisconsin and to act responsibly for his constituents and community.

“I think it’s extremely distressing to see Rep. Gallagher’s response to the coronavirus pandemic both in terms of policy and personal conduct,” said Stuck. “He’s out in the community making zero effort to take precautions or model the safe etiquette we need to stop the spike we’re seeing. That behavior is unbecoming of a public official and downright dangerous.”

mike-gallagherWisconsin is one of the nationwide hotspots for coronavirus with the Fox Valley and Green Bay ranking among the worst in rising cases per capita. Gallagher previously voted against both the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act as well as the follow-up HEROES Act.

“For someone that so frequently says we need to look at the data before making decisions and closed his office this spring out of an ‘abundance of caution’, Gallagher’s guide to combating coronavirus seems to be lacking any real data or conviction,” continued Stuck. “First, he voted against multiple measures that would have helped the working families of Northeast Wisconsin. Second, he’s used this as an opportunity to continue beating the drum against China and accuse them of engineering the virus in a lab to unleash on America. Lastly, he’s continued to attend large gatherings that feature nearly zero masking or social distancing. He hosted the Republican State Convention in July and was seen shaking hands and hugging like we aren’t in a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 200,000 Americans. More recently he attended a Catholics for Trump event exhibiting the same reckless behavior.”

President Trump originally had planned multiple airport rallies across the state of Wisconsin on Saturday. The President and First Lady tested positive for coronavirus early Friday morning causing a change in plans. The campaign has announced those events have been postponed. The events are still listed on the campaign website.

“As public officials we need to lead by example and as a community we need a Congressional representative that truly cares and will do better for his constituents,” said Stuck. “I wish the President, First Lady, and tens of thousands of others currently infected with this virus a swift and speedy recovery. I hope that this is a wake up call for our community and for public figures like Rep. Gallagher. This virus infects indiscriminately. The longer it gets treated as a partisan issue the more pervasive it will become in our communities. We need Rep. Gallagher to follow the data he’s always talking about and to put the needs of our community over the wants of his party. Will he?”

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