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Stuck Announces Campaign Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Advisory Committee PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Amanda Stuck Press   
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 09:42

amandastuck8th Congressional District Candidate hopes group will give a voice to the recovery community and a seat at the policy making table.

APPLETON, WI - Amanda Stuck, current State Assembly Representative and 8th Congressional District Candidate, announces the formation of a campaign advisory committee focused on mental health & addiction recovery. Addiction and recovery issues, further exacerbated by the global pandemic, have touched many families worldwide and in this community. The committee would be focused on giving a voice to the recovery community and giving them a seat at the policy making table.

“Addiction and recovery is something that has touched nearly every family in our community, including mine,” said Stuck. “I think an issue as pervasive and important as this deserves a truly collaborative effort working towards equitable solutions. We need to work together as a community to help destigmatize addiction, facilitate accessible recovery services, and provide support and guidance to families navigating this difficult journey.” Stuck continued, “I believe that giving a voice and a platform to those truly grappling with this system is the best way to solve some of the inefficiencies and inequalities we currently see.”

The Stuck campaign addiction recovery advisory committee would consist of constituents in recovery and family members. Stuck has committed to the formation of the committee during her campaign as well as the continuation of the committee if elected to Congress. Stuck will be working with Patti & Jesse Heffernan from Helios Addiction Recovery Services to form the committee and recruit members of the recovery community as well as their families to serve on the committee.

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 September 2020 10:08
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