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Trump Administration is Failing Wisconsin Workers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 09:31

donald-trump-uk"Our economy is hurting, our state is hurting, we’re tired of the photo-ops. We need leadership. We deserve more. We deserve a president that actually cares," say Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin AFL-CIO Treasurer, and small business owner.

WISCONSIN -- Sen. Tammy Baldwin, State Treasurer for the Wisconsin AFL-CIO Dennis Delie, and small business owner Lynn Zawojski blasted Donald Trump and the Republicans for their failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how that failure has wrecked Wisconsin’s economy. For four years, Trump’s chaotic trade wars, tax giveaways to billionaires, and attacks on workers have devastated Wisconsin’s economy. Now, amidst a global pandemic, manufacturers, factory workers, farmers and the communities they support are hurting worse than ever because of Trump’s ineffective leadership. 

During the press call, Sen. Baldwin, Delie, and Zawojski condemned Trump’s failure to lead and drew a stark contrast between Trump’s irresponsible and dangerous political photo-op and the Democrats’ clear leadership in holding a virtual convention.

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

US Senator Tammy Baldwin: “As President Trump comes to Oshkosh, Wisconsin we are reminded of his failures of leadership. We are reminded of the broken promises to Wisconsin workers and farmers. Clearly, President Trump did not cause the coronavirus, yet his complete inability to respond to this pandemic brings us to the point of crisis that we are in today, and I keep telling myself, it didn't have to be this way. As I highlighted earlier this week, his Administration is now diverting needed supplies that were headed toward Wisconsin. If the president wanted to make himself useful on this visit to Wisconsin, he should actually be delivering the PPE and testing supplies that were promised to our state... I want to point out that includes $101 million that was headed to Oshkosh corporation that would have supported good paying manufacturing jobs in our state.”

Wisconsin AFL-CIO Treasurer Dennis Delie: “Every move this administration has made, including their failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic, has put working families underwater and at risk, and now Trump is showing his callousness once again by parading his broken economy with dangerous political photo-ops… I represent so many of the essential workers who are on the frontlines of this crisis: the grocery store workers, the health care workers. They are the ones making sure our shelves stay stocked and that essential services stay operational, and yet because of his lack of leadership, Donald Trump puts these workers in greater danger everyday. Wisconsin workers cannot wait to put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House this November, our lives and the wellbeing of our families depend on it... We are also just so grateful that the Democrats are showing leadership and avoiding needless infections by holding the convention virtually, because our state cannot take much more of Trump’s callous negligence.”

Lynn Zawojski: “Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and the Republicans’ inept leadership have caused lasting damage to small business owners like myself across Wisconsin, and it is insulting to witness President Trump hold campaign events when my friends, family, neighbors, and employees are suffering because of his failed COVID-19 response… Trump’s mismanagement and inability to lead has cost my business tens of thousands of dollars. Rather than listening to the guidance of public health experts, he promotes baseless conspiracy theories. As we begin to transition into fall, the Trump administration has no plan to provide help for businesses like mine which will see an even greater drop in work as the weather worsens. This visit is just another attempt by him to paint over the harmful effects of his numerous failures. As a small business owner, the only hope i have left is to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November, knowing that they will always put people like me and my employees first.”

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