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WI Teachers Blast Trump, Devos for Lack of Plan to Get Kids Back to School Safely PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 12:15

trump-devosWISCONSIN -- On Tuesday, Wisconsin teachers called out Donald Trump and Betsy Devos for their lack of a plan to send kids and teachers back into schools safely. Wisconsin Education Association Council President Ron Martin penned an op-ed highlighting the problems the public school system faces, while FOX6 published a story concerning the lack of PPE for schools.

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WEAC President Ron Martin in the Cap Times:

  • Wisconsin parents and teachers are consumed with how to keep students safe and learning as a new school year approaches. In fact, it seems the only person not talking about reopening schools is U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
  • DeVos has popped up again in our state this time to champion the Trump administration’s reckless attacks on Title IX, designed to make it nearly impossible for victims of sexual assault on campus to get justice.
  • Instead of campaigning for Trump’s pet projects, the U.S. Education Secretary should be talking to Wisconsin about federal support for schools and students in this time of crisis.
  • The health and safety of our students and educators should be top-of-mind for the nation’s leaders, and all decisions should be guided by science.
  • I can’t say I’m surprised at the void in the DeVos/Trump response to the pandemic. They pursued a federal budget that tried to slash over $8 billion in funding for public education, including a proposed elimination of funding for the Special Olympics, assuming nobody would notice.
  • What Wisconsin needs now is serious consideration about how our students and educators can safely learn and teach during a pandemic.
  • We agree with teacher Jill Biden and her husband Joe that schools need a clear, science-based strategy, not mixed messages and ultimatums.

FOX6: 'Anxious and uncertain:' Questions, concerns persist as schools prep for fall return

  • Masks and hand sanitizer are just the beginning of a list of items that schools will need to help students and staff stay safe come fall. Though the state stepped in to help, some are wondering if it will be enough. Greg Engle, director of planning and preparedness with Wisconsin Emergency Management, said the state is dipping into its stockpile to help protect those who are headed back into school buildings.
  • Meanwhile, some feel that the safety measures in place are just a drop in the bucket. Ron Martin, president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), said there is a lack of a return plan in a broader sense of education and wants more to be done on a larger level. "Now as we look to another school year, parents and educators are still anxious and uncertain," said Martin. "We deserve more testing, a national tracing plan, proper PPE and the funding to make it all happen so we can go back to our school face-to-face safely."
Last Updated on Saturday, 08 August 2020 09:38
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