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DPW Calls Out Trump’s Attacks on the Latinx Community PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 07 August 2020 09:56

trumpdonald_092419Trump has failed the Latinx community here in Wisconsin, say DEMS.

WISCONSIN -- Donald Trump’s presidency has been propped up by his attacks on people of color and exploited  the most racist elements of our society. He has continuously pushed policies that harm the Latinx community on everything from health care and the economy to his heartless immigration policy. Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement calling out Trump for his abhorrent rhetoric and policies towards the Latinx community:

“Trump has relentlessly failed the Latinx community here in Wisconsin. Trump's run for office started with him calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, and since then his presidency has devolved into cruelty, with him and his cronies ripping children from their mothers’ arms and locking them in cages, attacking health care in the middle of a pandemic devastating communities of color, and building an economy that only works for the rich and well-connected. He has pursued vile policies like taking money away from service members in Wisconsin to fund his border wall, proclaiming that the suburbs in Wisconsin would disappear because of Black and Brown people, and ignoring the coronavirus until pursuing a failed response that has disproportionately infected and killed members of the Latinx community. Latinx Wisconsinites continue to face the brunt of the economic impact of Trump’s ineffective coronavirus response as Trump himself says “it is what it is”, once again passing the buck instead of stepping up to do his job. Donald Trump will continue to scapegoat and harm the Latinx community until he is no longer president, which is why it’s that much more important that we send Joe Biden to the White House in November.”

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