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Trump Says Testing is 'Overrated' As His Failures Hurt Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 24 July 2020 10:04

trump-testing-pusaWISCONSIN - Thursday, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Tommy Kubitschek released the following statement on Donald Trump saying that testing Is 'overrated':

“At every turn since the pandemic began, President Trump has attacked the value of testing when every public health expert agrees that it is essential to addressing this crisis. In Wisconsin this week, we witnessed an all-time high in infection rates as cases here continue to soar. The glaring lack of a national testing program prevents public health officials from keeping our neighbors safe, and Republicans continue to attack any efforts to expand our response. It is clear that Trump refuses to lead in hopes that the virus just disappears, but as long as he ignores his responsibilities and executes this wholly ineffective response, the coronavirus is not going anywhere.”

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