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Sheila Briggs leads the fundraising race for State Superintendent PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Briggs for Kids   
Thursday, 16 July 2020 09:02

sheila-briggsMadison, WI - Wednesday, July 15th, 2020.  Later today, Dr. Sheila Briggs will file a finance report showing she raised more than $25,000 in her race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Her report will show her strong grassroots support from hundreds of people across Wisconsin.  Over the next few weeks, we will be holding listening sessions to hear from people all across Wisconsin and build momentum leading into the fall.

The following is a statement from Sheila Briggs:

I'm so thankful for the hundreds of people who have shown early support of my campaign. When I talk to voters it is clear how much Wisconsinites care about education and this race.  I'm honored to have their support.


On Tuesday May 26th, 2020 Dr. Sheila Briggs announced her candidacy for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Briggs began her career as a kindergarten teacher in Madison, where she later served as a principal and school administrator. In 2011, she was appointed to serve as Assistant State Superintendent by then State Superintendent Tony Evers.  She was reappointed to the position by State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor in 2019.  Briggs leads the Division for Academic Excellence.

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