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Democratic Party of Wisconsin On May Jobs Numbers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 05 June 2020 08:52

trump-covid-natl-emergTrump was handed a booming economy that he flushed away as he ignored intelligence warnings as far back as January about the impending COVID-19 outbreak.

WISCONSIN -- Friday, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement in response to the May jobs report:

“Today’s dismal jobs report, which showed 13.3% of Americans out of work at the conclusion of May, is due not only to Trump’s disastrous COVID-19 response, but also because of his erratic trade war with China and his tax-scam bill that encouraged giant corporations to ship jobs overseas. Instead of fighting for hard working Wisconsinites who are struggling more than ever, Trump has been more concerned with pushing conspiracy theories and stoking racial grievances. He has turned a blind eye to the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work, the 818 Wisconsin dairy farms that closed their doors forever, and the more than 4,100 factory workers in the Badger state who lost their jobs last year as a result of his trade war.

“Trump was handed a booming economy that he flushed away as he ignored intelligence warnings as far back as January about the impending COVID-19 outbreak. Instead of working with economic advisors, he gave away the store to China as he shipped them PPE that our frontline workers desperately needed. But his kowtowing didn’t start there; after staging a photo-op for a hollow trade deal, America’s farmers are getting a measly $13 billion in agriculture purchases from China -- not even a drop in the bucket compared to the markets Trump destroyed.

“After three and a half years Wisconsinites know they can’t afford four more years of Trump as president. He has proven to be nothing more than bluster and bravado. Just like his businesses, many of which have gone bankrupt, he has run Wisconsin's and America’s economy into the ground. His callousness during some of America’s darkest days has further proven he is not fit to lead our country.”

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