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Senator Darling is Part of the Problem PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Eric LaGesse   
Friday, 05 June 2020 08:37

alberta_darlingCo-Chair of Joint Finance Committee history of blocking measures to address racial disparities

MADISON – The tragic killing of George Floyd and the protests that have followed in Wisconsin and across the nation are the sad result of years of systemic racism and discrimination. For far too long, Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) and her Republican colleagues have pursued policies that cement Wisconsin's unfortunate distinction of having the worst disparities for Black families in the country. As the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, Senator Darling has used her position of power to further tip the imbalances in our state. Instead of fighting to eliminate the barriers to success people of color face every day, she routinely does the bidding of powerful special interests, and puts the blame on communities of color.

“Wisconsin residents deserve better than someone who supports policies that suppress communities of color,” said SSDC Executive Director Eric LaGesse. “From voting rights, to education and health outcomes, Sen. Darling is complicit in the systemic problems that prevent Black Wisconsinites from being treated equally. The success of our state relies on the success of the people that live and work here, and they deserve elected leaders that will fight for the rights of everyone.”

Despite Wisconsin having the highest infant mortality rate for African Americans, Sen. Darling voted against a Democratic budget amendment to improve women’s health and birth outcomes. Sen. Darling also rejected funding for clean water protections as thousands of children are continuously poisoned by lead pipes. During her time in the legislature, she has been a staunch supporter of voter suppression policies that disenfranchise people of color.

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