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Updated Ad Released on Trump's Coronavirus Failures as Death Toll Passes 100,000 PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Saturday, 30 May 2020 11:43

trump-pusa-ad-mayWith Donald Trump’s approval rating in free fall, Trump's campaign and super PAC are scrambling to respond to Priorities USA Action consistently outspending them in key battleground states.

Washington, DC Priorities is launching an updated version of its “Way Down” ad, running in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, which holds Trump accountable for his failure to protect the health and safety of the American people from the coronavirus pandemic that has now claimed more than 100,000 American lives. With reports that Trump’s chaotic administration has continuously mismanaged the crisis, it is clear Donald Trump has failed the American people and there is still no clear national strategy from the federal government to combat the virus. Even after the virus has claimed far more American lives than the lives of those from any other country in the world, Donald Trump continues to claim that the virus will “go away” while ignoring expert advice about mitigation.

After being largely inactive in battleground spending, the Trump campaign and its super PAC America First Action are scrambling to counter Priorities' ad spending that has been in progress for nearly a year. Priorities has consistently outspent Trump and his allies in battleground states, including since April, during which time Priorities has solely outspent all Trump entities combined in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Since the beginning of April, Priorities spent about $10.9 million on TV and digital ads in MI, PA and WI compared to the Trump team's $10 million. Priorities is on track to spend more than $200 million by the end of 2020.

“We have lost over 100,000 American lives and 1 in 4 Americans are out of work. The Trump campaign and super PAC know that they cannot win by talking about Donald Trump's record, so they are turning to baseless attacks on Vice President Joe Biden,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “Priorities will continue to tell the truth about Donald Trump and meet voters where they are on TV and digital platforms. The Trump campaign is scared because our ads are working. When Americans know the facts about this administration, they know that it’s time for new leadership in the White House.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 May 2020 17:12
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