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Wisconsin Considers Sending Absentee Ballot Request Forms to 2.7 Million Voters PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 21 May 2020 12:42

donald-trumpTrump Attacks Safe and Fair Elections Process.

MADISON, WI) -- As the Wisconsin Elections Commission is set to consider mailing 2.7 million Wisconsin voters absentee ballot request forms, Donald Trump is taking to Twitter to once again stir up conspiracy theories about mail-in ballots. Despite voting by mail himself, Trump proclaimed that Michigan is committing an “illegal” act by sending ballot applications to their residents, when in fact they are doing what Wisconsin is considering, and what Republicans already do in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia - sending absentee ballot applications to eligible voters. His own RNC Chair says she has no problem with sending absentee ballot applications. What’s more is Trump is threatening to withhold funding from states in the midst of a pandemic. It’s not the first time he’s accused of using the powers of his office for personal political gain. 

Wisconsin saw the outcome of voters being forced to choose between their health and their vote as a new scientific report found there was an increase in Coronavirus cases directly tied to the April 7th election. Trump, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, and their conservative allies did everything in their power to force Wisconsinites to vote in person, with Trump going so far as to encourage people to go to the polls on election day. 

“Trump is throwing another temper tantrum because he knows his record is toxic to voters and he knows the momentum is with Democrats to defeat him in November,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman said. “Trump is already responsible for the more than 92,000 victims of the Coronavirus, many of whom would still be alive had he taken this pandemic seriously when experts warned him about it in January. Now he is threatening even more devastation by threatening to withhold funds from states who pursue absentee ballot-driven elections.”  

Trump has continually lied about voter fraud through the mail-in-ballot process, despite there being no evidence to support this. He even wasted taxpayer dollars to fund a commission tasked with investigating voter fraud, which ultimately disbanded because they could not find anything.

“Trump can’t tweet all he wants, but that won’t change the fact people are fired up to elect Joe Biden and other Democrats up and down the ticket -- and they will find a way to vote no matter what. Wisconsinites want to hold Trump accountable for his COVID-19 response, for his broken promises to lower health care and prescription drug costs, and his erratic trade wars that decimated farming communities and local economies. They understand that they can’t afford four more years of Trump.”

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