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Ads Link Coronavirus Devastation to Trump’s Failure to Lead on Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 07:14

trumpdonaldDonald Trump’s inaction and downplaying of the threat tied to mounting death toll and economic disaster by Priorities USA.

Washington, DC Priorities USA Action is launching a new advertising campaign, including both TV and digital ads, tying the mounting death toll and economic disaster to Donald Trump’s consistent downplaying of the threat of the coronavirus pandemic. Priorities has spent more than $12 million on ads holding Donald Trump accountable for his failure to safeguard American lives and jobs from the effects of the coronavirus. 

Way Down” will run on cable and broadcast in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as part of the $65 million TV buy Priorities has reserved through Election Day. America now has the most deaths in the world, and Donald Trump continues to claim that the virus will “go away” while ignoring expert advice about mitigation. Dr. Bright’s testimony before Congress last week further confirmed reports that Trump was repeatedly warned about the devastating effects of the coronavirus and his administration failed to take appropriate action. 

Priorities is also releasing “Mission Accomplished.” While Donald Trump declares that “we have met the moment,” tens of thousands of Americans have died, more than a million are still sick, and over 30 million people are out of work. Trump is ignoring expert advice, putting Americans at risk.

Donald Trump is not only failing to protect Americans’ health during a deadly pandemic, he is actively working to make access to health care coverage harder. “Pause” focuses on the disastrous cuts to Medicare Trump and his Republican allies have advocated for during a global pandemic. Access to health care is more important than ever and Trump is promising to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, Priorities is releasing “Wasted Time,” “Great Job,” and “Didn’t Listen,” which highlight Trump’s failure to act effectively after multiple warnings about the threat of the coronavirus, putting frontline workers at unnecessary risk. The ads will run on pre-roll video, social media, and streaming TVs targeting voters in battleground states who are most likely to be undecided. 

Priorities is spending over a million dollars a week on digital advertising and has committed to spending $200 million through Election Day to defeat Donald Trump.

“Our country has lost over 90,000 friends, neighbors, and relatives since February to the coronavirus. We have ample evidence that if Trump had taken action, so many lives would not have been needlessly lost,” said Patrick McHugh, Executive Director of Priorities USA Action. “While experts plead for our country to continue strong mitigation efforts, Trump is making reckless calls for the country to reopen without a plan to safeguard American lives. We need a President who leads with the truth and takes decisive action that puts the American people first. Priorities is doing everything we can to present the facts about Trump’s failed leadership and showcase the honesty and competency that Vice President Joe Biden would bring to the job.”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 May 2020 07:33
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