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Trump, Wisconsin Republicans, And the Threat They Pose To Wisconsinites PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Friday, 24 April 2020 09:22

trump-2020-souWisconsin Republicans are obstructing progress in the fight against Coronavirus as President Trump refuses to mobilize a national testing and contact tracing program.

MADISON - In some of Donald Trump’s latest press briefings, he has helped incite the protests against the stay-at-home orders we are seeing take place across this country, and what is expected to happen on a very large scale at Wisconsin’s state capitol tomorrow. When asked if these protestors should follow the orders of the state governors, Trump has given responses that claimed people were keeping a safe distance from one another when they weren’t, that the protesters seem to be his supporters and respect him, and that they are simply expressing themselves. Trump cannot bring himself to tell Wisconsinites and the American people to do what is in best interest of keeping people safe and opening the economy up in a timely manner: Stay at home.

While the President has shown he doesn’t take this public health crisis seriously enough beyond his talking points, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has made it a priority to keep Wisconsinites safe, as his health secretary recently extended the stay-at-home deadline to May 26th. At the same time, the governor has recognized the need to open the state’s economy back up, and has put in place a plan that follows the guidelines put forth by Dr. Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci.

robinvosDespite this, Assembly Leader Robin Vos and State Senate Majority leader are challenging the stay at home order in court, while they and their fellow Republican legislators encourage people to attend the mass protest on Friday. This will undoubtedly get people sick, further burden the state’s health care system, and leave some families and communities reeling from the loss of life that will follow. Beyond the sheer lack of care for public safety that the president and his fellow Republicans are showing by encouraging these protests, they also know that it is dangerous.

President Trump admitted that Georgia was wrong to open its nail salons, tattoo parlors, and massage parlors because it would be impossible to follow proper social distance guidelines; the state Republican Party of Wisconsin just moved their state convention back to July because they don’t want to have a mass gathering of attendees, and just over three weeks ago when the infection rate in Wisconsin was lower, Robin Vos dressed in full PPE told people it “perfectly safe” to go out and vote in person.

The state is already seeing an infection rate spike of COVID-19, with 19 cases reported as a result of the in-person election Trump, Vos, Fitzgerald, and their conservatives allies forced upon the state. They did so because they thought they could score a political victory, but Trump’s endorsed candidate still ended up losing by more than 10 points. Their encouragement of people to go to the polls and their dismissal of the need to adhere to stay at home orders will put an even greater strain on the health care system as they callously risk Wisconsinites’ lives.

Wisconsin Republicans are obstructing progress in the fight against Coronavirus as President Trump, beyond his failure to take this Coronavirus seriously when he first learned about the deadly virus, refuses to mobilize a national testing a contact tracing program. His administration previously promised to have 27,000,000 million tests in the market by March 28th. They have fallen well short of that goal

Donald Trump, Robin Vos, Scott Fitzgerald, and their allies are a danger to the lives of Wisconsinites.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 April 2020 09:44
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