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Wisconsin Voters Defied Trump Last Week PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities Wisconsin, Cassidy Geoghegan   
Friday, 17 April 2020 15:09

trump-covidThe Trump administration has already failed the people of Wisconsin with his disastrous response to coronavirus. So Pence is Coming to do Damage Control.

MADISON - Wednesday night, Vice President Pence announced he is traveling to Madison next week to visit a GE health care manufacturing facility. If at first you’re surprised by these travel plans, once you take a look at what happened last week, it’ll be extremely clear why he's making this trip.

Amid a global pandemic, Wisconsin voters defied the president, rejecting his pick for SCOWIS, incumbent Dan Kelly, and choosing Jill Karofsky, the liberal justice, by more than 160,000 votes. As a reminder, Trump won Wisconsin by roughly 20,000 votes in 2016.

Karofsky didn’t just win in liberal strongholds of Milwaukee and Dane county, but also in the suburbs and even some of Wisconsin’s rural areas. And though Kelly still picked up the WOW counties, it was by reduced margins compared to the 2019 Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Karofsky swept the southwestern counties, which included several that went to Obama in 2012 but shifted to Trump in 2016, suggesting support for the president is not guaranteed in these areas. And in last week’s election, Trump himself received fewer total votes than Karofsky’s opponent.

It’s clear that support of the president is slipping in every corner of this key battleground state. So Trump has called on Pence to pay a visit and do damage control.

Wisconsinites aren’t buying it. The Trump administration has already failed the people of Wisconsin with his disastrous response to coronavirus that has put Wisconsinites lives at risk and forced over 300,000 Wisconsinites to file for unemployment so far. Voters from across the state are fired up and speaking out against his failed response, filming selfie videos while in quarantine:


And instead of doing what actually matters in this time of crisis — making sure everyone has the supplies they need to confront coronavirus — the Trump campaign is suing a local Rhinelander TV station over the fact that they have continued running a Priorities USA Action ad that uses Donald Trump's own words to show how he downplayed the spread of COVID-19 for months while the number of infected Americans increased exponentially. Trump may not want voters to hear what he was saying as the virus spread, but we will not stop holding him accountable.

So as Pence comes to Madison to do damage control, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to be connected to a Wisconsinite who can speak to how Trump is failing our state.



Last Updated on Friday, 17 April 2020 15:32
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