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Testin Ignores Pleas for Health Coverage Protections PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Katie Iliff   
Thursday, 05 March 2020 09:47

patrick-testinState Senator Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point) continues to single handedly block efforts to strengthen protections for Pre-Existing Conditions.

MADISON - As the Trump Administration renews their push to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Senator Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point) continues to single handedly block a proposal to protect health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. Senate Bill 37, also known as the Comprehensive Health Care Protection Act, would safeguard federal health protections at the state level, and ensure families and seniors are able to access the care they need without going bankrupt. Despite overwhelming public support, the bill has languished in the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services where Senator Patrick Testin serves as chair.

healthcare-family-dr“It is appalling that Senator Testin continues to block access to affordable and quality health coverage,” said Katie Iliff, SSDC Executive Director. “Senator Testin and the rest of his Republican colleagues have made it their mission to undermine the health care marketplace and protect the profits of wealthy insurance executives. Not only is he refusing to do his job, he is actively working to eliminate health care protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsin residents living with pre-existing conditions. This fall, voters will finally have a chance to protect our care and send greedy pals of the insurance industry like Patrick Testin packing.”

In addition to blocking protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions, Sen. Testin has established a pattern of ignoring children, families and seniors who lack access to affordable health care. Already this session Sen. Testin has voted against legislation to lower insulin costs, improve birth outcomes and expand Medicaid coverage for thousands of Wisconsinites while saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

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