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Bowen Supports Ed Fallone PDF Print E-mail
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Written by BOWEN PRESS   
Friday, 10 January 2020 09:53

david-bowenIt Is Time for Change says Milwaukee Representative.

MILWAUKEE, WI - This week, the Delaware Supreme Court added the first African-American Justice in that state’s history.

This month also saw the swearing in of the first Native American Justice ever to serve on the Washington State Supreme Court.

But in Wisconsin, the story is very different. The Hispanic National Bar Association recently noted that it was “alarmed by a recent study . . . that found that twenty-four states in the U.S. currently have an all-white supreme court bench, including Wisconsin.”

ed_falloneThe disparity between an all-white supreme court and the growing diversity of the Wisconsin population as a whole undermines the community’s faith in the justice system. In the words of former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Yvette McGee Brown, “The public’s perception of justice suffers . . . when the only people of color in a courthouse are in handcuffs.”

It is past time for Wisconsin to embrace diversity in our court system. If elected, Ed Fallone will become the first Latino to serve on our state’s Supreme Court. His qualifications as a constitutional law professor, criminal defense lawyer, and leader in the provision of legal services to working families should be obvious. Ed not only brings a diverse life experience to the Court, he will also bring a different legal perspective.

In this election, let’s make history together. And let’s make sure that Wisconsin lives up to its motto to continue moving “Forward.”

Please donate to Ed’s campaign today.

Thank you,

David Bowen
Wisconsin State Representative

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