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Dems Support American Education Week PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 18 November 2019 11:32

teaching-studentsMADISON, WI - Today, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement on American Education Week:

“We are grateful to have a Governor in Tony Evers who values public education so highly, especially at a time when our education system is systematically under attack by Donald Trump and his Secretary of Education Betsy Devos. Trump broke his promise to deliver “great education” to our children when he made it his administration’s policy to strip our public classrooms of funding and hand it to unaccountable voucher schools.

“We know that a quality education is instrumental for an individual’s future success -- especially when they aren’t born into the families of billionaires. Public education built our middle class and gave millions of Americans the ability to live a comfortable and fulfilling life. That tradition is being shredded in front of our very eyes, and is a threat to future generations and the overall health of our nation.

“If we are serious about reviving the middle class, creating the next generation of entrepreneurs and skilled workers, we need to invest in our public education system, not strip it to the bone. Democrats will continue to fight to ensure every child receives a quality education, and we will continue to oppose any effort by Trump and DeVos to belittle public education in Wisconsin and across the country.”

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