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DPW Chair Calls Out President Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Tuesday, 18 June 2019 15:09

donald-trumpState Democrats call out Trump's broken promises as the President officially kicks off re-election bid in Florida Tuesday.

MADISON - Ahead of President Trump’s re-election kick off rally in Orlando, Florida, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press call Monday to make the case that Wisconsin voters will hold Trump accountable in 2020 for his failures and broken promises on health care and the economy.

The following are excerpts from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler’s remarks:

ben-wikler-dpw“When he was running for president, Trump promised health care for everybody…But once he was in, his number one legislative priority was to slash health care and rip up Medicaid in order to hand a massive tax break to special interests and the wealthy.”

“President Trump told Wisconsinites in 2016 that he would ‘substantially’ lower their taxes. In reality, Trump’s tax bill will actually increase taxes for lower and middle-income Wisconsinites by 2027… The rich got richer, and Trump left the middle class out in the cold.”

“Despite Trump’s repeated promises to bring jobs back to Wisconsin, Trump’s tax bill has failed to stop layoffs. It’s even encouraged outsourcing. It’s done the opposite of what Trump promised—but it’s done exactly what Trump wanted, which is to benefit people like himself at the expense of everyone else.”

“Trump ran on big promises in 2016. When he launches his campaign tomorrow, he’ll have to answer for why he’s broken them…

“This time around, when the president makes promises, Wisconsin voters will know the Trump’s word is worthless—and they’ll hold him accountable for what he’s done to our state.”

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