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Neubauer Earns Conservationists’ Endorsement PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 13:05

lisa-neubauerMADISON – Today, Wisconsin Conservation Voters proudly endorses Judge Lisa Neubauer for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Neubauer’s record and experience, as well as her commitment to impartiality, earned her the organization’s endorsement.

“Judge Neubauer’s experience and record speak for themselves,” said Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “She has proven to be an impartial judge who considers admissible scientific evidence when considering cases that impact the environment. She has also ruled in favor of the public trust doctrine, an important part of the Wisconsin constitution that says our waters are owned in common by all Wisconsin citizens and protected for the use and enjoyment of all of us.”

Neubauer’s opponent, Judge Brian Hagedorn, refused to fill out a candidate questionnaire and, as former Governor Scott Walker’s chief legal counsel, was involved in high profile, anti-conservation policy-making and lawsuits.

“We are deeply concerned that Brian Hagedorn cannot be fair and impartial when it comes to protecting our environment and health. As the lead attorney in the Walker Administration, he would have been involved in creating the many laws that put the interests of polluting special interests over the people of Wisconsin,” Schumann said. “And he was part of the Walker Administration when it joined the federal lawsuit against the Clean Power Plan.”

Neubauer has the support of sheriffs – Democrat and Republican – across the state, and she is supported by 331 current and former judges.

“Lisa Neubauer is the clear choice for the state’s highest court,” Schumann said.


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