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Supreme Court Candidate Still Refuses to Apologize for Homophobic Blog Posts PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Monday, 04 February 2019 16:16

brian-hagedornScott Walker's former legal counsel likened homosexuality to bestiality, would be another extreme partisan on the Supreme Court

MADISON - In Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn’s first public interview since news broke that he once authored a blog with radical, hateful content, Hagedorn refused to apologize or even walk back statements he made as extreme as likening homosexuality to bestiality. Talking to conservative radio host John Muir, Hagedorn lashed out at those criticizing his posts, rejecting suggestions that if elected, he consider recusing himself from cases where he’s expressed a personal political belief.

“It’s unacceptable that it’s been four days and Wisconsin voters still don’t know whether or not Brian Hagedorn still holds these extreme, partisan beliefs,” said Courtney Beyer, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson. “Wisconsinites want their courts to be independent, but Hagedorn won’t even commit himself to the basic expectations of fairness and transparency. Brian Hagedorn is just another extreme partisan whose fringe, radical beliefs belong nowhere near our courts."

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