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Senate Dem Leader Praises Gov. Evers State of the State Address PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 12:01

tony-eversShilling reaffirms Senate Democratic commitment to Governor’s priorities

MADISON, WI – Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement in response to Gov. Evers’ State of the State address:

jennifer-shilling“For too long, we’ve seen misguided priorities under Republican control that favor the wealthy and well connected. This is a new era in our state, and it is refreshing to have a Governor that is committed to focusing on the people of Wisconsin rather than playing political games. Senate Democrats are eager to work with Gov. Evers on the issues impacting Wisconsin families every day. We will deliver on his plan to improve health care, strengthen schools, fix our roads and invest in pro-growth policies that build up the middle class.

“Democrats are committed to lowering property taxes, strengthening local schools and giving Wisconsin children the best possible education by restoring millions in state aid cut by Republicans. We are going to grow our economy from the ground up by raising wages, expanding access to paid sick leave and making child care more affordable for working families. We remain dedicated to jump-starting small business development, investing in 21st century infrastructure by fixing our crumbling roads and bridges and expanding high-speed broadband internet access.

“With Gov. Evers’ leadership, these goals are all within our reach, but we need to find new ways to work together, invest in our communities and expand opportunities for everyone – not just the wealthiest one percent.”

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