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Sen. Carpenter Attends “The People’s Budget Listening Session” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Ritch Williams   
Thursday, 20 December 2018 17:10

meeting-crowdGovernor-Elect Evers and Lt. Governor-Elect Barnes Host Session in Milwaukee.

MADISON – State Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) attended “The People’s Budget Listening Session” hosted by Governor-Elect Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor-Elect Mandela Barnes yesterday at the United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County Volunteer Center.

The pair have hosted similar events across the state in an effort to give citizens a direct communication forum with the incoming Governor and Lieutenant Governor. After attending the session, Senator Carpenter released the following statement:

tim-carpenter“The response from those in attendance was similar to my own Town Hall meeting I held this past Saturday, where more than 100 citizens attended and the ‘lame duck’ session was first and foremost on their minds.

“Governor-Elect Evers has said he seeks compromise and cooperation, not confrontation and chaos. It was a pleasure to see how democracy is supposed to work. Rather than a ‘my way or the highway’ approach as we’ve seen too often in recent years, it’s clear that Governor-Elect Evers and Lieutenant Governor-Elect Barnes care about what people are saying, what they are struggling with, and what might be their priorities.”

“Despite measures meant to thwart their power coming in, I know that Governor-Elect Evers and Lieutenant Governor-Elect Barnes understand that it’s this type of grass-roots effort that will bring about a new way of doing things in Wisconsin. We should be proud of their efforts. Voters want us to work together and not descend into gridlock. I am looking forward to working with them in any way I can.”

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