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Wisconsin Democrats Go National on Lame Duck Session PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 16:38

martha-laningDemocratic Party Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning goes on CNN as Republicans move to undermine newly elected governor.

MADISON - The foundation of our democracy depends on respecting the will of the people but last week Wisconsin Republicans refused to carry out that mandate.

Your incredible response last week intensified the pressure and public scrutiny on their override; enough that it’s still making national headlines. I spoke on CNN to amplify your voice and our plan of action. You can take a look here or below.

We’re working to hold Republicans accountable for overriding the will of the people. Our plan of action is to increase voter turnout in the spring elections and secure many victories in 2020. Republicans don’t want people to vote, but that is exactly what we will mobilize people to do.

Contribute here to help us win more elections.



P.S. We’re asking people to continue to speak out.

Can you take a moment to call Gov. Walker’s office and ask that he veto the undermining of our democracy? You can contact the governor's office by phone at 608-266-1212.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 December 2018 17:03
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