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Republican’s Holiday Gift to Wisconsin: An Assault on Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Wednesday, 05 December 2018 10:53

scott-fitzgeraldl-stands-behind-walker"Astonishingly, the Republicans primary concern is to protect their own power," says Senator Janis Ringhand of Evansville.

MADISON - Last night, the Republican controlled State Legislature convened in a lame-duck session to throw its final temper tantrum of 2018. Speaker Vos (R-Burlington) and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) along with our local Republican legislators evidently do not like the fact that the voters of the state elected Democrats Tony Evers Governor and Josh Kaul Attorney General.

janis-ringhand“If I was on the losing end of an election that saw my party lose every state wide election this past November, I’d reexamine the positions I campaigned on since a majority of the people in Wisconsin thoroughly rejected them. Astonishingly, the Republicans primary concern is to protect their own power. Instead of reevaluating the right wing ideology the voters rejected, they convened an unprecedented lame-duck session to pass bills limiting ability of the newly elected Governor and Attorney General to do their jobs and to stack state boards and commissions with handpicked cronies,” said Senator Ringhand.

Governor Elect Evers and Attorney General Elect Kaul won their elections fair and square. They deserve the opportunity to do the job the people of Wisconsin elected them to do.

“It is unfortunate that our local Republican legislators did not stand up to their leaders and chose to put politics before the wishes of the people who want both political parties to work together and solve the problems facing our state,” concluded Ringhand.

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