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Urgent Action: Destructive Lame Duck Session Monday! PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Sunday, 02 December 2018 15:50

wisconsin_senateMake your voice heard and stop this abuse of power! Tell legislators to accept the will of the people!

MADISON - On Election Day, you and thousands of other conservation voters went to the polls and changed Wisconsin’s government by electing Tony Evers governor and Josh Kaul attorney general.

You knew it was time for new leadership to protect our water, air, and beautiful places – and you made it happen.

Now, rather than accepting your vote and working with our newly elected leaders, top Republicans in the legislature are sabotaging your vote.

Act now: Tell legislators to accept the will of the people!

In an unprecedented abuse of power, they are attempting to use a lame duck session to reverse the will of hundreds of thousands of voters.

capitol-night-wiscLast night, they released the bills and it’s worse than anyone imagined. The sweeping package of changes severely limits the powers of the attorney general and governor – the two people you just elected – and puts far more power into the hands of the legislature. It also puts limits on our democracy by diminishing early voting.

Act now: Make your voice heard and stop this abuse of power!

This is dire news for Wisconsin's environment. If passed, these policies will let illegal polluters off the hook, even as Wisconsin families are faced with unsafe drinking water, poor air quality, and polluted lakes.

The bills also contain complex provisions that will tie every state agency, including the Department of Natural Resources, into bureaucratic knots – making it almost impossible for them to effectively protect the environment.

Your voice is crucial! Email your legislators here.

Attend the public hearing on Monday at 12:30 p.m. in Madison. RSVP here.

Thank you for being a conservation voter,

Jennifer Giegerich
Government Affairs Director
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters

Last Updated on Sunday, 02 December 2018 16:04
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