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Evers & Barnes to Drive Walker's 24-Mile Flight From Appleton to Green Bay PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers Press, Sam Lau   
Tuesday, 02 October 2018 09:56

tony_eversWalker used state plane at taxpayer's expense.

APPLETON to GREEN BAY - Today at approximately 10:30 AM, Democratic nominee for governor Tony Evers and lieutenant governor nominee Mandela Barnes will live stream their drive from Appleton to Green Bay, recreating the infamous 24-mile flight that Scott Walker took on our state plane. Then in Green Bay, they will hold a press conference on the "Government for Us" agenda announced by Evers yesterday. Evers and Barnes will be joined at the press conference by State Sen. Dave Hansen and State Rep. Eric Genrich.

walker-rejects-med-moneyWalker's excessive use of the state plane has been well documented:

  • Since dropping out of the presidential race in 2015, he spent $934,000 on more than 950 taxpayer funded flights.
  • 29 of those flights were less than 40 miles long.
  • Over the last year, he took 65% more flights than any governor in the top 10 most populous states.
  • He had a plane pick him up in Milwaukee after a haircut and fly him to an NRA convention.

But perhaps no other flight sums up Walker's personal excesses than his journey on the state plane from Appleton to Green Bay--a distance of just 24 miles. That was a "busy day" for Walker, as he took four flights, each covering less than 75 miles, costing a total of $1,667.51.

The Government for Us agenda will put state government back to work for the people of Wisconsin. As Governor, Tony will ensure that the state government is a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars, upholds Wisconsin’s long tradition of transparency and accountability, and most importantly, works for the people of Wisconsin.

Oct. 2, 2018

10:30 AM  – Live Stream of drive from Appleton to Green Bay.


Approximately 11:10 AM – Evers, Barnes, Hansen, Genrich hold press conference on "Government for Us" agenda

Brown County Democrats Office

118 S Chestnut Ave, Green Bay, WI 54303

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2018 10:08
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