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President Obama Endorses Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Monday, 01 October 2018 09:33

President ObamaHonored to have former President's support, says Evers.

MADISON - Monday, President Obama endorsed Tony Evers for Governor and Mandela Barnes for Lt. Governor because of their positive vision for Wisconsin that will bring people together. The President released the following statement:

tony_evers“Tony has spent his entire career fighting for kids in Wisconsin, first as a science teacher and now as State Superintendent, and that’s why Tony is exactly the kind of person Wisconsin needs as its next governor. Tony knows what unites us is stronger than what divides us. Tony is focused on his positive vision for Wisconsin and the issues that matter most to hard-working families like protecting people with pre-existing conditions, fixing Wisconsin’s crumbling roads and infrastructure, and fully funding public schools. Wisconsin deserves a governor who will govern with respect, experience, and who will put Wisconsin families before special interests and personal political ambitions. I’m proud to give Tony my endorsement and hope you’ll join me in supporting him to be the next governor of Wisconsin.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement of President Obama,” Evers said. “President Obama believed deeply in the ability of people coming together to solve problems and in an economy that works for all. I thank him for his support, and as Governor I’ll continue to work to expand opportunity across our state, ensure access to affordable health care and a quality public education, and to always put the people of Wisconsin first.”

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