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New Video "Every Part of It" Highlights Walker's Long History of Attacking Health Care PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Alex Japko   
Monday, 24 September 2018 15:24

affordablecareactToday Marks One Week Since Tony Evers Called on Walker to Pull Out of ACA Lawsuit.

scott-walker-oklaMADISON - Today marks one week since Tony Evers called on Scott Walker to pull Wisconsin out of the federal lawsuit to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and its protections for the estimated 2.4 million Wisconsinites with a pre-existing condition. To mark Walker’s silence, DPW launched a new web video titled “Every Part of It” that details Scott Walker’s long record of undermining health care in Wisconsin and threatening protections for pre-existing conditions.

Watch it here or below.

Walker’s refusal to accept Evers’ challenge shouldn’t surprise anyone who has paid attention to Walker’s health care record over the last eight years. He called the ACA - the law presently protecting Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions - a “disaster” that should be repealed “lock, stock, and barrel.” During his short-lived presidential bid, he promised to repeal the ACA on day one.   

When Republicans tried to push through Graham-Cassidy last year, a law that would have undermined pre-existing conditions protections, Scott Walker called it “awesome” and a “winner all the way around.” He even floated letting insurers hike premiums for people with preexisting conditions if federal law was changed to allow it.

“Scott Walker has had a week now to show Wisconsin he’s serious about protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and all we’ve heard is crickets,” said DPW spokesperson Alex Japko. “His record is clear: Wisconsin can’t trust Scott Walker to protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions.”

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