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Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Saturday, 22 September 2018 16:39

tony-eversEvers builds momentum as Walker sinks in polls.

MADISON, WI - Democratic candidate for governor Tony Evers continued to build strong momentum this week for his campaign while incumbent Governor Scott Walker shirked from a challenge and desperately tried to distract from his underwhelming poll numbers. Across the board, Evers pressed ahead with a positive agenda for Wisconsin while Walker refused to answer basic questions about the issues.

Let’s go through the week:

Evers’ Health Care Challenge: Kicking off the week, Evers challenged Walker to back up his words with action and drop Wisconsin from a reckless lawsuit that would eliminate pre-existing conditions protections -- the same protections Walker claims he supports. But even as experts point out that Walker’s “alternatives” would provide weaker protections, Walker himself continues to dodge the question about how to cover all 2.4 million Wisconsinites with a pre-existing condition. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

scott-walkerWalker has not said what steps would be taken to ensure they would have coverage.

Even on the third anniversary of Walker’s failed presidential campaign which he ended for reasons of "leadership,” Walker refused to show real leadership by ignoring Tony's challenge to pull out of this dangerous lawsuit.

Evers Puts Students First: While Walker was ducking questions, Evers promoted his plan for a historic $1.4 billion increase in the education budget:

"The pendulum is swinging back to a time when we value an investment in our kids’ futures and we demand our leaders do the same...We know there’s a better way. We know it’s time for a change. And change, folks, is in the air."

Instead of cutting schools by $800 million like Walker, Evers thinks it’s time to invest in our students and put them first.

Evers Takes the Lead: In a sign of growing Tony-mentum, a new Marquette University Law School poll came out on Tuesday showing Evers with a 5 point lead over Walker, with Walker posting his worst showing ever in a Marquette poll.

The news just got worse for Walker. The poll also showed Evers with a net favorability rating of 11 points, while Scott Walker was viewed unfavorably by a majority of voters with a 7 point unfavorability gap.

Walk Away Walker Woes: Of course, Walker’s ongoing problem of convincing voters he runs a competent administration continues to be damaged . . . by former officials who served in his administration.

As a report on Wednesday put it:

As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker fights for his political life, some of the most devastating attacks aren't coming from Democrats. They're coming from a handful of former top officials from his own administration.

Even in his own administration, folks are ready to walk away from Walker’s failed leadership.

Bottom line: From health care to education, it’s clear that Tony Evers continues to build momentum in this race, while Scott Walker has seen negative headline after negative headline as his campaign continues to stumble.

Last Updated on Monday, 24 September 2018 13:19
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