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Paul Ryan's Super PAC Attacks on Bryce PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 19 September 2018 09:55

randy-bryceDems say the GOP and Paul Ryan are terrified of Randy Bryce.

MADISON - The following is a response from Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Martha Laning on attack ads being run by Paul Ryan’s super PAC, Congressional Leadership Fund, in support of Bryan Steil, Ryan’s former driver, in the race for WI-01.

martha-laning“These desperate attacks are exactly what Wisconsinites dislike about Washington politics. While wages remain stagnant and hardworking Wisconsinites are struggling to keep up with rising health care costs, CLF is throwing millions of dollars at a misleading smear campaign to try to put Paul Ryan’s hand-picked replacement in Congress and save the GOP from an embarrassing defeat.

“Clearly, the GOP and Paul Ryan are terrified of Randy Bryce and the grassroots energy behind him. Wisconsinites in the first congressional district have organized around Randy because he understands the struggles that come with being a working person because he’s been there himself. The same can’t be said of Bryan Steil, whose billionaire backers will stop at nothing to try to install him in Congress.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 10:02
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