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61 Former Assistant Attorneys General Endorse Josh Kaul PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kaul for Attorney General Press   
Saturday, 01 September 2018 15:01

josh-kaulPeople who work in the field everyday want Josh Kaul for Wisconsin Attorney General

MADISON – Tuesday, Josh Kaul’s campaign announced that 61 former Assistant Attorneys General have endorsed Josh Kaul for Attorney General.

Former Assistant Attorney General Dan Stier said, “Elections are about choices. Fortunately Wisconsin voters have a terrific alternative to the failure that is AG Schimel. His name is Josh Kaul. He grew up in Wisconsin in the Lake Winnebago area. His distinguished legal career began as a student at Stanford Law School, where he served as president of the school’s prestigious law review. He has prosecuted violent criminals and protected voting rights, and he will restore integrity, competence, honor, and effectiveness to the Attorney General’s office.

Josh Kaul voiced his gratitude for the support from the 61 former Assistant AGs. “It means a great deal to have the support of people who have advocated for the interests of Wisconsinites,” Kaul said. “As Attorney General, I’ll fight every day to make Wisconsin a safer and stronger state than we’re on track for right now.”

The former Assistant AGs who have endorsed Josh Kaul for Attorney General include:

Ruth Bachman

Tom Balistreri

Crystal Banse

Jeffrey Bartell

Kathy Batha

Mary Batt

Linda Bochert

Burnie Bridge

Mary E. Burke

Bill Bussey

Linda Clifford

Bruce Craig

Tom Creeron

Tom Dawson

Tom Dosch

Shari Eggleson

William Eich

Kathleen Falk

Maureen McGlynn Flanagan

Matt Frank

Jim Freimuth

Bill Gansner

Dave Gilles

Paul Gossens

John Greene

Jane Hamblen

Jerry Hancock

Dave Hanson

Hal Harlowe

Dave Hase

Charles D. Hoornstra

Ed Hughes

Bob Hunter

Stephen W. Kleinmaier

Roy Korte

Bob Larsen

Jennifer Lattis

Alan Lee

Mike Losse

Margie Moeller

Steve Morgan

Steve Nicks

Nancy Noet

Kevin O’Connor

Bruce A. Olsen

Lee Pray

Debra Remington

Peter Ritz

Ned Sahar

Bob Selk

Joe Sensenbrenner

Carl Sinderbrand

Diane (Nicks) Sorensen

Dan Stier

Jack Sweeney

Barbara Tuerkheimer

Warren Weinstein

Diane Welsh

Steve Wickland

Bill Wolford

Christopher G. Wren

Josh Kaul served as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore, one of America’s most violent cities. There, Kaul prosecuted murderers, gang members, and drug traffickers, taking dangerous criminals off the street and making communities more secure. He grew up in Oshkosh and Fond du Lac in a family of law enforcement professionals and teachers. He is running for Attorney General in 2018.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 01 September 2018 15:10
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