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DPW Video "Hiding on Harley" Highlights Walker's Failure to Stand Up to Trump PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 14:31

scott-walker-harleyWhen Harley-Davidson needed an ally against Trump’s tariffs, Scott Walker was nowhere to be found.

MADISON - As Harley-Davidson celebrates its 115th anniversary this week, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin launched a new video, “Hiding on Harley” showing Scott Walker’s failure to stand up for Wisconsin as President Trump’s trade war hurts businesses and workers.

View Why is Scott Walker Hiding on Harley? video below.

Earlier this summer, Harley Davidson announced that due to Trump’s tariffs,  they would be forced to move some production overseas. This announcement prompted Trump to float the idea of a possible boycott, which would have only hurt the company further. But instead of standing up for Wisconsin businesses and Wisconsin workers, Walker ducked his head for an entire day to avoid angering Trump.

His slow and reluctant response should be a warning to any Wisconsin company: Scott Walker does not have your back.

“Scott Walker cannot be trusted to stand up for Wisconsin businesses or workers hurt by the harmful policies coming out of Washington,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Courtney Beyer. “When Harley-Davidson needed an ally against Trump’s attacks, Scott Walker was nowhere to be found. If this is how Walker treats his "favorite" company, imagine how badly he’ll treat everyone else.”

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