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Walker Refuses To Stand Up For Harley-Davidson, Again PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
Wednesday, 15 August 2018 12:55

scott-walker-harleyMILWAUKEE - Patrick Marley of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Walker attempted to show support for both Trump and the motorcycle company, but did not say whether he opposed a boycott. Walker aides refused to answer that question. Excerpts are below.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker Caught Between Donald Trump and Harley-Davidson


"GOP Gov. Scott Walker also assiduously avoided saying whether he supported a Harley boycott.

The issue was thrust upon the candidates — all strong backers of Trump — after Trump posted a Sunday message on Twitter saying a boycott of the Milwaukee-based company would be "great."

The issue came up at a bad time for Wisconsin Republicans — just before a primary that will determine who will face Baldwin and which of eight Democrats will take on Walker.

In a statement, Walker attempted to show support for both Trump and the motorcycle company, but did not say whether he opposed a boycott. Walker aides refused to answer that question.


That puts Wisconsin Republicans in a tough spot. They don't want to alienate a president who is popular in their party and who is quick to excoriate critics.

But they also don't want to attack a company that is woven into the fabric of the state's identity and celebrating its 115th anniversary."

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