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Mahlon Mitchell Turns Tables on Trackers PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Mahlon Mitchell Press   
Saturday, 04 August 2018 10:37

mahlon_mitchell"Scott Walker’s cronies are harassing me and my voters -- and I’m fighting back!" says Gubernatorial candidate.

With less than 2 weeks until Election Day, my team and I are hard at work! We were knocking doors the other day and ran into a Republican tracker who follows me around everywhere harassing me, my team, and our voters.

This type of behavior has no place in our politics -- so I stood up and spoke out.


I promise to stand up to Scott Walker and his political machine every step of the way -- as your candidate, and as your governor.

Of course, Scott Walker is now trying to spin this back on me. But his fake outrage is as out of touch as his priorities. As a 20 year firefighter, I don’t need lessons on courage from a governor who has cowered away from the needs of Wisconsinites, like a fully funded public education system, infrastructure investment, affordable healthcare and living wages.

If Scott Walker wanted to hear from me or Wisconsin voters, he would join us out in the community. Instead, he’s sending his staffer to try to intimidate Wisconsin voters.

If you’re ready for a governor who will fight for you and not just take orders from foreign corporations and a handful of billionaires, then make a contribution to our campaign today.

I’m in this fight for you. And I won’t back down. #TogetherWeRise

-- Mahlon

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