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Roys Releases Second Ad on Healthcare PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Kelda for Governor, Brian Evans   
Thursday, 02 August 2018 14:06

kelda-roys“We need to make sure healthcare is universally available”

MADISON, WI - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Kelda Roys released her second ad, Again, focused on her experience in expanding healthcare access and her plans to continue working to provide healthcare to every Wisconsinite.

A transcript of the ad can be found below, a fact sheet has been included alongside this release, and the ad itself can be viewed here.

“Every single Wisconsinite deserves high-quality, comprehensive, and affordable healthcare,” said Roys. “That’s what I fought for as vice-chair of the Assembly Health and Healthcare Reform Committee, where I was proud to expand access to healthcare. As governor, I will work tirelessly to ensure every single Wisconsinite has access to the care they need at prices they can afford.”

Again Transcript:

Kelda Roys: “We have a long way to go on healthcare. We do. Wisconsin was a leader at one time in expanding access to health care and we can be again. I'm Kelda Roys. When I was in the legislature, we strengthened BadgerCare, and at the end of that long process, about 80,000 more Wisconsinites had access to great healthcare. We need to make sure that healthcare is universally available and that everyone can buy into a great plan like BadgerCare at an affordable cost. And the good news is we have that within our grasp. We can do that.”


Kelda Roys, 39, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As a parent and step-parent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, great schools, and quality healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 August 2018 14:14
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