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Evers Releases New TV Ad, “Vision” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Wednesday, 01 August 2018 17:21

tony_eversAd highlights vision needed to beat Scott Walker. Watch it here.

MADISON – Fresh off last week’s NBC News and Marist Poll showing Evers with a double-digit lead over both the Democratic primary field and Governor Scott Walker, Evers is releasing his first television ad which will begin airing Tuesday, July 31. There are just over two weeks until the August 14 primary.

The ad begins with Evers saying, “If we’re going to beat Scott Walker, we need a stronger vision for our future.” He goes on to highlight his experience as State Superintendent and his vision to provide a quality education for every kid in Wisconsin, no matter their zip code. Evers outlines his support for strong investments in early childhood education, our public schools and training for Wisconsin’s workers.

Watch the TV ad, “Vision” here:

It will air in markets across Wisconsin on television and digital channels.

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