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Supreme Court Redistricting Decision Renews Need for Change PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 20 June 2018 17:44

vote-equalWe need to take the politics out of the map-drawing process by enacting our Fair Maps redistricting plan, says Senator Hansen.

MADISON - On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States decided to delay action on Gill v. Whitford, the Wisconsin gerrymandering lawsuit. As a result, the current legislative districts, enacted in 2011 by Republican lawmakers in Madison to their own advantage, will remain in place at least through the elections this fall.

Upon hearing of the decision, Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) released the following statement:

dave-hansen“The court’s decision shows just how much work needs to be done to restore fairness to our elections.

“It is time for legislators from both parties to come together and pass a real non-partisan redistricting law that will take the responsibility for drawing legislative district boundaries out of the hands of the politicians in Madison and replace it with one that gives the voters a voice in the process and at the ballot box.

“We already know that non-partisan redistricting can work because we’ve seen it in action in states as close as Iowa, which our plan is modeled after.

“Non-partisan redistricting not only takes the politics out of the map-drawing process, it does far more than our current system to ensure open, fair and competitive elections.

“I intend to re-introduce our Fair Maps redistricting plan as soon as I am able to when the Legislature convenes in January.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 June 2018 15:24
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