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Conservation Voters Endorse Josh Kaul for Attorney General PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Thursday, 17 May 2018 15:19

josh-kaulProvides a stark contrast to Brad Schimel who has had a radical anti-conservation agenda.

MADISON – Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters proudly endorses Josh Kaul for Attorney General.

“We are endorsing Josh Kaul early to make it abundantly clear that conservation voters across the state are already energized and engaged in this crucial race,” Executive Director Kerry Schumann said. “This election will have significant impacts on Wisconsin’s environment.”

Kaul’s commitment to conservation and the importance of electing an attorney general who cares about Wisconsin’s air, land, water, and public health earned him this early endorsement for the November 6th general election.

“I believe that keeping our air and water clean is critical for our health and our economy and that we need an attorney general who is serious about even-handedly enforcing our environmental laws,” Kaul said. “I'm honored to have the support of Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters.”

Kaul provides a stark contrast to Brad Schimel who implemented a radical anti-conservation agenda as attorney general. Under Schimel, enforcement of environmental laws has plummeted. He booted environmental attorneys from the Department of Justice. He sued the federal government over the Clean Water Rule and the Clean Power Plan.

Meanwhile, people in Wisconsin have polluted water pouring from their taps and their air is less breathable. Corporations are filling in the state’s wetlands, and climate change is already affecting farming and tourism and causing considerable financial damage to municipalities due to increased flooding.

“Our current attorney general has consistently put the interests of polluters ahead of the interests of Wisconsinites,” Kaul said. “He's overseen a substantial drop in the amount of fines collected from polluters, and he sued to challenge the Clean Power Plan – an effort to cut carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.”

Schumann said Kaul will serve as a check on anti-conservation agendas at every level of government – particularly President Trump – and their refusal to address the most acute threat to Wisconsin and the world: human-driven climate change.

“Josh Kaul has the experience and the common sense to understand the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on are more important than playing national politics or filling campaign coffers with cash from big polluters. Josh Kaul is the right leader at the right time for Wisconsin. The state’s conservation voters proudly endorse him for attorney general.”

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 May 2018 16:08
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