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Milwaukee County's Sylvia Ortiz-Velez Endorses Matt Flynn for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 14:14

matt-flynn"His plans to raise wages, care for every Wisconsinite, and restore clean and honest state government are the best of any candidate running for governor," says County Supervisor Ortiz-Velez.

MILWAUKEE, WI - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn received the endorsement of Milwaukee County Supervisor Sylvia Ortiz-Velez on Monday.

sylvia-ortiz-velez"Matt Flynn is the leader we need to bring our state forward. He has a vision for a brighter Wisconsin for all of us and the wisdom to see it through," said Ortiz-Velez. "His plans to raise wages, care for every Wisconsinite, and restore clean and honest state government are the best of any candidate running for governor. He's more concerned with solutions than with petty political fights. I've known Matt for many years, and I'm proud to call him my friend and will be proud to vote for him in the August primary and the November general election. I wholeheartedly endorse Matt Flynn for governor of Wisconsin."

"I want to thank Supervisor Ortiz-Velez for her endorsement," said Flynn. "2018 is a critical election and we need to come together to replace Scott Walker. As governor, I will work with local leaders and re-establish the principle of local control in our communities."


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He graduated from law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

For additional information, visit

Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 14:33
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