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Poll: Americans Worried as GOP Sabotage Spikes Health Care Premiums PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Saturday, 07 April 2018 09:39

farmsAs Wisconsinites face skyrocketing health care costs following GOP sabotage, Leah Vukmir and Kevin Nicholson continue to run on taking away 30 million Americans' health care access.

MADISON - In Wisconsin and across the country, Republican health care sabotage continues to spike consumer costs, shouldering Americans with skyrocketing premiums -- particularly in rural areas -- and rising worries that their care will soon be completely unaffordable. But GOP U.S. Senate candidates Kevin Nicholson and Leah Vukmir are nevertheless dead set on taking away 30 million Americans' health care access and further spiking consumer costs, as part of their right-wing, corporate-special-interest-giveaway agenda.

kevin-nicholsonNicholson and Vukmir have continued to campaign on dangerous Trumpcare repeal plans that would gut protections for people with preexisting conditions, spike premiums and take health care away from up to 30 million Americans. And Vukmir and Nicholson are standing by their fellow Republicans' efforts to further destabilize health care markets -- malicious sabotage that's already spiking premiums in Wisconsin and across the country.

leah-vukmirRepublican-led health care market sabotage has gotten so out of control that a recent Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll finds that a majority of Americans are "worried about their out-of-pocket costs increasing so high that" they won’t be able to afford the care that they need.

Meanwhile, additional polling shows that health care remains the top issue for voters heading into November's midterm elections. In Wisconsin, specifically, a recent PPP survey found that 72% of likely voters name health care a top issue. 

That's bad news for Trumpcare candidates like Nicholson and Vukmir, who are also running on a Republican tax law that spikes health care costs while simultaneously calling for dangerous cuts to Wisconsinites' Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare benefits.

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