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Wisconsin's Largest Corporate Lobby Seeks to Buy a Justice PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   
Saturday, 24 March 2018 14:51

michael-screnock-moneyWMC spending $1 million to purchase a Supreme Court seat for candidate Michael Screnock.

MADISON - Starting Friday, the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), the state’s largest corporate lobby, is rushing onto Wisconsin airwaves to save their beleaguered Supreme Court candidate and rubber stamp, Judge Michael Screnock.

Friday’s ad buy is $380,000, bringing the total WMC has lavished on getting their bought-and-paid-for candidate to almost $1 million. As disturbing as this news is for those who believe in a fair and impartial justice system, particularly on our state’s highest court, extreme spending to pull its candidate across the finish line is nothing new for WMC and Republicans who have packed the Wisconsin Supreme Court with justices who will rubber stamp their right-wing agenda.

martha-laning“Michael Screnock cannot be fair and impartial when it comes to the lobbyists for big corporations that are spending a million dollars on his behalf,” said Martha Laning, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “Wisconsinites should not even consider putting someone like Michael Screnock, who is bought and paid for, on the highest court in our state.”

WMC has spent almost $1 million dollars on Srenock’s behalf since he launched his campaign, which is extremely troubling given how frequently cases involving WMC end up in front of the Supreme Court. More troubling still is the fact that Screnock will not commit to recusing himself from any cases involving WMC or his other special interest donors should he be elected to the Supreme Court.

“Big corporate lobbyists aren’t spending a million dollars to elect Michael Screnock so he will be fair or independent,” added Laning. “They know Screnock will be a rubber stamp for the interests of the mega-corporations and billionaire CEOs they represent. Wisconsinites deserve a Supreme Court that will judge cases fairly and look out for their needs. The fact that Screnock will not pledge to recuse himself from any ethically compromising cases should be disqualifying.”

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