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Matt Flynn Will Make Childcare a Budget Priority PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Monday, 05 March 2018 11:43

matt-flynnGubernatorial candidate wants greater support for Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn called for greater support for Wisconsin’s two essential childcare programs, Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar.

Flynn said, “Working parents need to know their pre-school children are well cared for and are developing the skills they will need to succeed in school. As a first step we need to restore the money that Walker and Republicans cut from Wisconsin Shares in the last 10 years. Childcare is essential to improve quality of life in Wisconsin.”

Flynn’s childcare strategy will:

  1. Fund and continue improving YoungStar to ensure quality of childcare.
  2. Restore Wisconsin Share payments, cut by Scott Walker, to ensure that childcare is affordable for families.
  3. Rigorously monitor Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar to improve quality and to attack fraud and waste.
  4. Fight for federal healthcare dollars. Healthcare and childcare go hand in hand.

Childcare is a good investment of taxpayer money. According to Arthur Rolnick, former research director at the Federal Reserve Bank, “Early childhood development is like a low-risk, blue chip stock that pays extraordinary dividends that are long lasting.”

The Wisconsin Budget Project’s September 2017 report indicates that Walker’s misplaced priorities have seriously reduced the number of children served: “The Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program has shown a serious decline over the last decade, with annual subsidy payments dropping over $130 million in current dollars. There has been an 18% decline in participating child care programs, and a decline of over 20% in children served – particularly in rural areas.”

“Scott Walker is investing billions of our tax dollars in corporate subsidies and marketing campaigns. It makes far more sense to invest in the foundation of our economy, the families who live here,” said Flynn. “When I am governor, we will work with families, agencies, and professionals to create a stronger childcare program that has the scope and rigor to meet the needs of parents and children across Wisconsin.”


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He attended law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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