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Matt Adamczyk: I Choose Leah PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Mattias Gugel   
Monday, 19 February 2018 10:34

leah-vukmirWisconsin’s state treasurer since 2015 endorses Leah Vukmir as Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

MADISON - I have dedicated my entire tenure as state treasurer to cutting government waste. I have advocated for eliminating my own job and identifying expensive, useless bureaucratic red tape. Leah Vukmir understands those exact issues, working tirelessly to address them, and has been one of my strongest allies in removing the unnecessary position of state treasurer.

And because we share the same values to create a limited, smaller government, I choose Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate.

The challenges facing our state and our nation must be addressed head on, and I know of no better fighter than Leah. Leah is battle tested. She has taken on the difficult issues and successfully implemented conservative policies, improving the lives of Wisconsinites.

matt-adamczykSmall changes make big differences. In my role as state treasurer, I have worked hard to look for all the efficiencies, even seemingly minor ones. In our world of flashy politics, it is easy to overlook the small things, but Leah has been an unwavering ally in our fight for fiscal reform. She understands that the basics form the foundation of conservative leadership.

In politics, there is a saying: It is far easier to prevent something from happening than it is to remove something after it has happened. Leah has been a vigilant partner in preventing bad things from starting. She has always believed that stopping bad legislation is just as important, if not more important, than implementing good legislation. We have benefited from Leah’s steadfast conservativism for near two decades. Wisconsin, and the rest of America, desperately needs someone with that same attitude in Washington.

Though I’m sad to lose an ally who fights for fiscal conservatism in Madison, I choose Leah Vukmir to be our next U.S. Senator. We would all benefit from Leah’s experience and unwavering dedication to the taxpayers of the Badger State.


Matt Adamczyk has been Wisconsin’s state treasurer since 2015.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 February 2018 10:51
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