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Tony Evers on Scott Walker’s State of the State Speech PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor, Maggie Gau   
Friday, 26 January 2018 15:43

scott_walkerWalker's speech was nothing more than a transparent election-year attempt to rewrite history, says Evers.

MADISON, WI - State Superintendent of Schools and Candidate for Governor Tony Evers released the following statement after Gov. Scott Walker's State of the State speech on Wednesday.

tony_evers“Scott Walker can’t hide from his record. His State of the State speech was nothing more than a transparent election-year attempt to rewrite history.

“We cannot forget the years of cuts to public education that have forced a million Wisconsinites to raise their own taxes to pay for their schools. We cannot forget the 6 years Walker knew about Lincoln Hills, refused to even visit the facility and did absolutely nothing about it. Dozens of kids and staff were assaulted and abused because of his failure to lead. We cannot forget the fact that Walker refused to expand Medicaid, has cut preventive health care for thousands of Wisconsin women, and strongly supported eliminating the Affordable Care Act, which would kick thousands of Wisconsinites off their insurance, eliminate crucial protections for those with pre-existing conditions and increase health care costs for Wisconsin families. After 9 years of attacks on the Affordable Care Act, Republicans cannot be trusted to provide real protections to those with pre-existing conditions.

“Walker also has clearly not gotten the message about Foxconn. He is still trying to convince us that this $4 billion-dollar giveaway to a foreign corporation is a good deal. But everywhere I go in Wisconsin, I continue to be asked by our fellow Wisconsinites, “What about us?” This boondoggle will take billions of dollars away from our schools and roads to hire out-of-state workers, creating an enormous hole in our state budget. Yet once again, Walker is trying to rewrite history. Every week, we learn something new about this deal, and Wisconsin voters will not forget.

“Walker cannot paper over the damage he’s done to Wisconsin and the stark divisions he’s created in one speech. Enough is enough. I will bring our state together and take Wisconsin in a new direction.”

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