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Andy Gronik Campaign Launches Microsite "Wisconsin is in Jeopardy" PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Thursday, 11 January 2018 14:27

andy-gronikSite offers quiz to help you learn about Scott Walker's failed record as Governor.

MILWAUKEE - Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Andy Gronik released a brand new microsite Wednesday exposing Gov. Scott Walker's seven years of failure, incompetence, and corruption as Wisconsin's top executive.

"Gov. Scott Walker knows I’m the Democrat who will beat him in November, that's why he and the Wisconsin Republican Party attacked me before I became a candidate; attacked me statewide immediately upon declaring myself a candidate; and continues to attack me today with ridiculous accusations.  If Gov. Walker thinks spreading falsehoods about my friends and me will distract from his long list of failures he should think again." said gubernatorial candidate Andy Gronik. "I'll put my 35 years of business success helping struggling companies worldwide grow and create good-paying, family-sustaining jobs up against Gov. Walker's two and a half decade long political career of saying one thing and doing another."

You can view the website here.

"Gov. Walker’s policies have failed, and the people of Wisconsin have had to live with the consequences. Seven years after Walker took office our economy is stagnant - so stagnant Walker’s willing to give billions to a foreign corporation to create the appearance of competency.  Seven years after taking office our public schools have been starved of resources and our teachers humiliated - so starved and so humiliated that Walker’s now willing to try to buy his way back into public favor.  His us or them politics and willingness to sell off pieces of our state to his highest political contributors have put Wisconsin in jeopardy.  We simply cannot afford another four years of Walker as Governor. My plans create good jobs in science, technology, manufacturing, and agriculture and spur more new business starts and more small, medium and large business growth by rewarding success. My plans leverage the best ideas no matter where they come from and make life in our state better for everyone. Change is necessary and good.  I’m the change candidate who will make good things happen for all of the people of Wisconsin," concluded Gronik.

Andy Gronik Launches Microsite:

Last Updated on Friday, 12 January 2018 14:40
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